Having the confidence to manipulate the rifle and engage your targets accurately, at different distances, and with speed is the focus.
Rifle - Level 1 Courses
This class is meant as an intro to rifle shooting for the AR-15 platform and is considered a level one class. If you wish to use a different style of rifle please email before signing up to confirm with me. We will cover the fundamentals for the majority of the day and focus on diagnosing the shooter's individual problems to ensure progress.
The class will receive a safety brief, medical plan, loading unloading procedures, range rules, and of course filling out waivers before we begin.
The program of instruction for the day will begin with a standards test, fundamentals, actions such as scanning after an engagement, and progress into multiple target engagements and an intro into movement.
Have the ability to carry at least one extra mag on your body. Students can use a plate carrier or chest rig system if you want. Duty belts and kit are recommended if that is what you primarily use.
Minimum round count is 550 for rifle and 100 for pistol. As always, more ammo is better. The pistol is required for the class to train on weapons transitions.
Once you are registered for this class you will receive a pre-class questionnaire to fill out and return and your class packing list.
Rifle - Level 2 Courses
This LVL 2 class is meant as an intermediate to advanced class for rifle shooting. We will cover the fundamentals for a brief part of the day before training on movement, barriers, and pie-ing off angles.
The class will receive a safety brief, medical plan, loading unloading procedures, range rules, and of course filling out waivers before we begin.
The program of instruction for the day will begin with a standards test, fundamentals, movement to static positions, continuous movement, barriers, working angles, and finish off with a stress shoot. The majority of this day will be spent moving and shooting.
Minimum round count is 550 for rifle and 100 for pistol, and as always, more ammo is better.
Once you are registered for this class you will receive a pre-class questionnaire to fill out and return and your class packing list.